Those - ridiculous - one
"How Old Are You On The Inside"
50 - Oh O, the big Five Oh, those aches and pains are really starting to add up now, time to hit the gym and bring that age down!
dot dot: urgh ... i am not that old! im just matured thinking ni. =D
"When Will You Die"
25 October, 2008 - life is sure small for you !!
dot dot: 3 words to describe it → funny, funny & funny! beware of me huh ... dead person here. i'ma ghost !!
"Will You Be Rich"
POOR - You won't be rich or middle class, but poor. You will live in the country and most likely raise animals for food if you have to. You will be lucky, but never rich. Good luck making this wrong.
dot dot: touch wood !!! i'll be a woman of exceptional ability someday ~ and i'll make u - facebook bow to me .... HAHAHHA
"How Dumb Are You"
Stupid ... kinda - You're very dumb but lucky you, you also know it! You're a blessing for other people their self-esteem. Just deal with it ...
dot dot: aww ... such heavy words hurt me ... sobs
"Are You Clinically Insane"
Sociopath (Antisocial Personality Disorder) - You don't care about rules. You don't care about inflicting pain. In fact, you don't care about anything besides fulfilling your own twisted desires, regardless of the cost to others. This is what makes persons with Antisocial Personality Disorder capable of anything, and thus, the most dangerous of all crazies. Maybe you're not a serial killer... maybe you just take advantage of people at any available opportunity. Maybe you steal for the fun of it, maybe you enjoy hurting people's feelings, or manipulating those around you, pitting them against each other for your own amusement. In any case, you're a sick f***. Get help...
dot dot: well, i'll just ignore this. =D
The - Better - One
"What Kind Of Lover Are You"
Defensive - You get jealous very easily, You want to be with your partner the whole time your together.
dot dot: hmm ... am i? we shall see then.
"Are You Mentally Stable"
Mostly Sane - You for the most part are sane, but you do have some minor slips of irrationality
dot dot: im sure everyone have one. no one is perfect. =)
"What Colour Is Your Personality"
Melon - You are a very shy person. But you are also very compassionate and kind. You love to help other people, and you are very selfless. If someone is hurt, you are always the first one to help even if you don't know them. However, you are very timid, so you don't have many friends. If you want to be someone's friend, tell them. Trust me, they want to be your friend too. Your motto: "Others before me."
dot dot: may be those italics are true bout me.... who knows? haha
gonna work for tomorrow until saturday
everyday on tired mode =/
till then. chao ~
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